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Babylon Unveiled: Exposing the Mystery Religion in the Digital Age

Writer's picture: Michelle HaymanMichelle Hayman

Updated: Apr 6, 2024

Personal Opinion

We are entangled in a world system influenced by pagan beliefs and practices controlled by elitists who perceive themselves as partially divine due to their possession of esoteric knowledge and power.

How did this happen you may ask.

In my opinion Alexander the Great's influence has been excessive, to the point where we are unable to envision a society beyond this artificial Hellenistic construct.

Alexander held polytheistic beliefs and worshipped a pantheon of gods, which some consider not true gods but fallen angels, also known as devils.

To seek favor from these "gods," Alexander would offer sacrifices and perform rituals.

Photo Xavier Coiffic; Unsplash

Alexander's influence on social, cultural, and political dynamics stemmed from his synthesis of Greek art, architecture, philosophy, and literature. This synthesis is often linked to the rise of the Roman Empire. Interestingly, texts attributed to Alexander's beliefs, such as those by Arrian, Diodorus Siculus, and Quintus Curtius Rufus, are thought to have been lost in the fire that consumed the Library of Alexandria. Some speculate that Julius Caesar may have had a hand in starting the fire.

Alexander the Great's ambition was to unify the world under a pagan system.

The process of Hellenization paved the way for the Roman Empire who were influenced by Hellenistic culture.. They adopted Greek art, philosophy, and language, blending them with their own traditions. Greek language and education remained prominent, and Roman thinkers engaged with Greek philosophy. Roman literature often drew from Greek sources, creating a fusion of Greek and Roman cultural elements. This exchange shaped Roman society and contributed to the development of Western civilization, and they also embraced the worship of pagan gods (often interpreted as demons or devils).

"But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils." 1 Corinthians 10:20-21 (King James Version)

Initially a pagan, the Roman emperor Constantine, played a significant role in blending pagan and Christian beliefs to resolve disputes, a process often referred to as the paganisation of Christianity.

The grandiose architecture of churches was influenced by the Hellenistic tradition, known for its impressive buildings and intricate details. As Christianity spread, it adopted and adapted elements of Hellenistic architecture for its own churches, creating awe-inspiring spaces with large columns and ornate decorations.

The grandiose architecture of churches, influenced by the Hellenistic tradition, symbolised the power and wealth.The spacious interiors, soaring ceilings, and ornate decorations aimed to create a sense of awe and reverence among worshippers, emphasizing the divine presence within the sacred space.

How can they assert their power or claim to be worshipping my God, while depending on human taxation?

It's like showing off a fancy sports car while secretly relying on borrowed gas money to fill the tank.

The Roman Catholic Church has various rituals and practices, including baptism, confirmation, confession, Mass (or Eucharist), marriage, anointing of the sick, and Holy Orders. These rituals are central to Catholic worship and spiritual life.

Photo Josh Applegate; Unsplash

Blessing the round waifer for the Eucharist ritual.

Whilst Jesus said, "Matthew 15:8-9 (KJV) "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men"

It's also good to note that the Romans persecuted Christians through methods like executions, imprisonment, torture, banishment, and social discrimination. These actions were aimed at suppressing the Christian faith to maintain their pagan belief in their new Judeo-Christian man made religion.

Photo by Mateus Campos; Unsplash

During the Inquisition, Christians deemed as heretics were subjected to various forms of persecution, including imprisonment, torture, and execution. The Inquisition was a means for the Catholic Church to combat heresy and maintain doctrinal purity.

It's my opinion that the true heretics were murdering the followers of Christ covertly.

We now have secret societies like the Bilderberg group, a highly influential annual conference attended by political leaders, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media. And where they more than likely discuss how they can manipulate society through these systems.

Some notable attendees of the Bilderberg Group meetings have included political leaders like Henry Kissinger, Angela Merkel, Bill Clinton, and David Cameron; business leaders such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Christine Lagarde; academics like Joseph Stiglitz, Niall Ferguson, and Henry Paulson; and media figures including Rupert Murdoch, Eric Schmidt, and Charlie Rose.

I believe UK politician Jacob Rees-Mogg (a devout Roman Catholic) is an attendee or member.

Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Facebook (now Meta Platforms), has reportedly attended Bilderberg Group meetings in the past. His participation in these gatherings has garnered attention due to his influential role in the technology and social media industry.

For those who are interested note that Berg means "hill"

Oh, isn't it just delightful how Meta's platforms allow us to connect with friends, family, and our own personalised echo chambers of content? It's like being wrapped in a warm hug of confirmation bias and selective outrage. And who doesn't love the constant validation of likes and comments, keeping us perpetually tethered to our screens like digital Pavlovian dogs? Ah, the wonders of social media manipulation. Truly, a modern marvel of human connection and psychological warfare.

But of course! The secrecy surrounding Bilderberg et al could just be part of their master plan to eliminate the unblessed. Because what better way to assert dominance than by keeping everyone in the dark about how they're being manipulated? It's like a digital Hunger Games, where only the chosen few who can decode the algorithm survive, while the rest of us wander aimlessly through the social media wilderness, oblivious to our impending doom. Cheers to being at the mercy of the overlords!

And how could we overlook the hidden esoteric knowledge nestled snugly within the folds of their pagan system? It's like a digital spellbook, filled with incantations hidden behind words and symbols designed to enchant and bewilder the uninitiated masses.

Ah, the age-old advice: repent and draw near to God through Christ, and you'll be untouchable. It's like wrapping yourself in a divine shield, warding off the slings and arrows of evil. So, let us repent and embrace the sanctuary of righteousness, where the demons, sorry pagan gods, dare not tread. For in the realm of the righteous, even the mightiest of tremble in fear. Amen to that!

Let's cast off the veil and bid adieu to Babylon the Mystery Religion! Because who needs mystery when you've got a good old-fashioned pagan party. Sayonara, mystery religion – hello, unfiltered truth!


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