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Beyond Religion

Writer's picture: Michelle HaymanMichelle Hayman

Updated: Jun 27, 2024

"Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." Romans 1:25 (KJB)

So what does this mean? It means that worshippers are giving their adoration to the sun, moon, stars and the devil instead of worshipping Christ. If this weren't the case, why are all our holidays based around the summer and winter solstices, and the autumn and spring equinoxes?

There is the idea that the Roman Catholic Church hijacked religious worship and that Catholics are unknowingly worshipping pagan gods like Tammuz and Semiramis.

Many argue that various elements of Catholicism, such as certain holidays, rituals, and symbols, have roots in pre-Christian pagan traditions.

Holidays like Christmas and Easter have pagan origins. Christmas, for example, is said to coincide with the Roman festival of Saturnalia and the birthday of the sun god Sol Invictus. Easter's timing and symbols, such as eggs and rabbits, are thought to have connections to pre-Christian spring fertility rites.

Certain symbols and practices within Catholicism, such as the use of candles, incense, and certain ceremonial garb, are argued to have pagan origins. Critics claim that these elements were adopted and repurposed by the early Church to make Christianity more palatable to converts from paganism.

The veneration of saints in Catholicism is sometimes compared to the worship of pagan deities. Saints are seen as intermediaries who can intercede with God on behalf of the faithful, which some critics liken to the role of lesser gods or spirits in pagan religions.

So why is it that Jesus said in John 14:6

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."This statement emphasizes the exclusive role of Jesus Christ as the path to God the Father in Christian theology.

However, the Catholic Church maintains that its teachings and practices are rooted in the Bible and the traditions of the early Christian Church. The Church argues that while certain cultural elements may have been adapted and given new meaning within Christianity, the core of Catholic worship is entirely focused on the Trinity—God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

How is it therefore that the doctrine of purgatory was declared dogma only in 1439 at the Council of Florence, nearly 1400 years after Jesus walked the earth?

If Jesus had spoken of purgatory, it would surely have been recorded in the Bible by the prophets and scholars.

Why did the Vatican, under Pope Gregory XIII, require an observatory in 1582 to reform the calendar, necessitating the study of the positions of the sun and moon, if they weren't following pagan practices?

But why is all this relevant to us today?

Paganism embraces polytheism, with traditions like Wicca, witchcraft, and Satanism employing many of the same occult symbols and rituals.

The Illuminati is thought to adhere to this occult knowledge, maintaining a hidden belief system while keeping us as their slaves.

If this is true, shouldn't we embrace new ideas instead of being brainwashed by occult symbols in mainstream media, TV, and music?

These symbols condition us to accept apathy, violence, and greed as normal, while the elites profit from our ignorance.

Why are we letting wealthy individuals obsessed with power railroad us?

Our empathy is being intentionally eroded through film, music, and media, likely to promote their agenda that humans are flawed and need technological enhancement.

It's quite disturbing when you consider it: they bombard us with visuals and symbols to normalize their vile ideas, then pose as our saviors.

Anyone considering embracing their transhumanist agenda should first understand that we are energy. By connecting us to a centralized system, they are essentially harvesting our energy, trapping, and enslaving us permanently while pretending to do us a favor.

So, how did we arrive at this point? Religious rituals often centered around the observation of celestial bodies—the sun, moon, and stars. Others revered earth spirits, employing magical practices to influence them. A third approach involved ritualistic sexual acts, purportedly employed in various secret societies today.

Aleister Crowley, a prominent figure in Satanism, advocated human sacrifice, reminiscent of the practices during Baal worship. Baal, also known as Baalzebub, was believed to be a leading demon associated with child sacrifices.

In Roman mythology, Saturnus (the equivalent of the Greek Cronus) symbolized a deity who consumed his own children.

Worshippers believed that offering sacrifices to Baal brought them financial rewards.

The significant number of missing children annually in the USA and globally then raises questions.

Curiously, Independence Day on July 4th, originally marked with bonfires to Baal (Baal fires) and symbolised sun worship, coincides this year with the UK general election.

The obelisks that we see in places like the Vatican, Washington DC, London, Egypt and Paris have historically been associated with phallic symbolism and were connected to Baal worship in ancient cultures.

The true gospel of Christ should not be confused with religion, which is a human-created business aimed at manipulating the masses in partnership with the state.

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." (Revelation 18:4, KJB)


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