Ah, it's Friday—the day when chaos reigns supreme, and the world seems to go to pot faster than you can say "TGIF." Mortal men still strut around claiming to be the chosen successors of Peter, all while the Papacy feels more like a product of rich Roman families' boardroom meetings than any divine anointment. And where's the proof? I mean, shouldn't there be some celestial fireworks or at least a few angels belting out some heavenly tunes?
Speaking of tunes, I haven't seen anyone suddenly breaking out in tongues or performing miraculous healings lately. And as for prophecy? Well, let's just say I haven't received any winning lottery numbers from the Vatican to end world hunger.
Meanwhile, other religious folks are crossing their fingers, hoping the current Pope makes it to heaven pronto. It's like a divine race against time—except with a papal hat instead of a finish line ribbon.
But seriously, after the Romans did their dirty deed on "Good Friday" and then built an entire religion on some selectively picked scriptures, it's no wonder some folks are feeling a tad skeptical about their legalistic control for world domination. I mean, if salvation was a basketball game, it feels like they're just passing around the ball instead of slam-dunking souls into heaven. But where would the wealth and control be in that?
Ah, behold the spectacle of mere mortals worshipping... well, other mere mortals! It's like a cosmic game of idolatry, where we've swapped celestial connections for following the latest earthly celebrity.
Here we are, with our noses buried in ancient scrolls of man-made laws, as if the divine creator's got nothing better to do than to micromanage our parking tickets and tax returns. I mean, if the Almighty really wanted us to be bogged down in bureaucracy, wouldn't there be a heavenly DVLA already?
Instead of nurturing their own personal relationship with the divine, they're busy trying to decipher the latest edition of "Thou Shalt Nots" while some guy from his pedestal tells us what's what.
But hey, who needs a direct line to the heavens when you've got a dude with a gavel and a rulebook, am I right? Because nothing says "deep spiritual connection" like spending your Sundays debating the finer points of commandments over brunch.
So here's to those mere mortals, worshipping other mere mortals, all while the divine creator is up there shaking his celestial head and wondering when they'll finally get the memo: it's not about the man-made laws, it's about our own journey back to source through righteous living.
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Have a good one.