As previously mentioned, we are beings of energy, interconnected with everything else in the vast expanse of the Universe. Every action we take ripples through the fabric of existence, impacting us not only economically but also mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Life transcends the mundane cycle of wake, work, sleep, repeat; we are not mere cogs in a machine meant to enrich the elite.
Despite the tumultuous events unfolding in the world, it's imperative not to allow external influences such as media, social platforms, or television to dominate our thoughts. Succumbing to these sources often engenders feelings of fear, anger, and other negative emotions. Moreover, how can we truly discern the authenticity of what we read or watch?
By perpetuating a state of negativity, these influences manipulate our perceptions of reality. Conversely, embracing love and positivity empowers us to manifest positive outcomes both for ourselves and the world at large. As we radiate positivity, we attract similar energies, shaping a more harmonious existence. Therefore, if we persist in saturating our lives with pessimism and despair, we inadvertently invite more of the same.
When we master our emotions, we gain mastery over our reality.
Wouldn't that pose a challenge for the elite? How could they maintain control if we collectively disengaged from mainstream media, Facebook, Twitter (or whatever guise they adopt)? Reclaiming sovereignty over our realities could be a formidable prospect. Perhaps this explains the incessant political theatrics, ongoing conflicts, and perpetual controversies saturating tabloid media. It's almost as if they're orchestrated, isn't it?
For years now, I've refrained from watching TV, avoiding news consumption and political nonsense. Instead, I focus on living my own life and contributing in my own way. Achieving mortgage-free status at 45 allowed me to exit the rat race, leading to improvements in my health and the recognition of a stress free life. As I embraced a positive mindset and directed my intentions to the Divine, I found my needs met in unexpected ways. It's a stark reminder that when they control your mind, they shape your reality—a tactic akin to the devil's strategy. Yet, by fostering a mindset rooted in love, we open ourselves to boundless possibilities.
I purchased a dilapidated cave seven years ago, cleared my debts, and found unparalleled contentment. Each day, I rise without the pressure to maintain a flawless exterior—no perfectly coiffed hair or painted nails. Upon reflection, it seems shallow to prioritize outward appearance while harboring impure thoughts or engaging in gossip and hatred towards others. Shouldn't we expect forgiveness only if we extend it ourselves? And if we are quick to judge others, why should we be exempt from judgment? The universal laws dictate reciprocity: what we sow, we reap.
Since my spiritual awakening and embracing Christ (not the version preached from pulpits), I've lacked for nothing.
The puppeteers behind the scenes are acutely aware of their actions. But what if we reclaimed control over our own realities? By transcending their manipulations, we can perceive the harm they inflict upon the world and counter it with inner positivity. When we reconnect with our Divine essence, we rediscover our inherent power. Empathy, love, and compassion possess transformative potential for both ourselves and others. Succumbing to anger only serves to further their agenda. It's time to disconnect and embrace self-love, love for others, and love for Christ. When He knocks, ensure you're listening, ready to open that door.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7:

Artwork by Michelle Hayman.