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My Journey from Darkness to Light: Breaking Free from a Curse

Writer's picture: Michelle HaymanMichelle Hayman

There was a time when I lay on my deathbed, ensnared in the grips of darkness. I had been a victim of black magic, and it felt as though my very soul was under siege. Just when I thought all hope was lost, a voice whispered to me, “The truth will set you free.” At that moment, I had no idea what that truth was or what I needed to be freed from.

As my journey unfolded, it became clear that I was under a curse, a revelation that illuminated the bizarre supernatural occurrences in my home. It was during this search for understanding that I stumbled across a remarkable passage in 1 Enoch 15. This ancient text revealed how the offspring of fallen angels, known as the Nephilim, would become the very evil spirits that torment us.

Suddenly, everything clicked into place. The chaos I had experienced, the strange happenings captured in photos I took during that turbulent time, all started to make sense. I was not just a victim; I was caught in a spiritual battle that had been raging long before my existence.

1 Enoch 15:8-10

"And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men and from the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin; they shall be evil spirits on earth, and evil spirits shall they be called. And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst, and cause offenses.

And the clouds shall become a storm, and the spirits of the giants shall be like clouds, and they shall descend upon the earth and shall torment mankind."

That same evening, after I'd captured the following photos, I heard a disturbance on my cave roof, almost as if a battle was taking place but an invisible battle, and that's when "they" manifested in my home.The photos are unedited, and while they may not be of the best quality, I hope you can see what I experienced.

These spirits are the malevolent entities referenced in scripture, serving as intermediaries to their 'gods'—the fallen angels—and are the same spirits that those who practice the occult invoke to carry out their wishes.

A larger cloud took shape at sunrise, resembling a colossal snake, and the numbers 3465 appeared above it. It was so large that I could only photograph its head and antenna from a side view, along with the numbers, which I hope you can see.

When I searched for the number 3465, I was astonished to find that the father of lies attempted to deceive me into believing that he was the "light of the world."

They were far from friendly; they belonged to the prince of the power of the air, and their presence in my home was incredibly distressing. I experienced a decline in my health, the loss of my cherished pets, and unsettling encounters like being touched in my sleep. They rattled porcelain dishes and tormented me night after night. It wasn't until I engaged in persistent prayer to God through Christ that I was finally freed from the curse placed upon me and my home was cleansed of their presence.

So why aren’t these spirits acknowledged by the Roman Catholic Church, who refer to themselves as the 'Universal Church'? This supernatural experience motivated me, alongside the voice of God, to delve deeper into scripture. I recognized what God clearly prohibits and so I felt compelled to investigate whether the Universal Church were genuinely following His teachings.

God's word prohibits false doctrine and heresy, seen in

Exodus 20:3 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me.'

The Roman Catholic Church instead venerates statues and images of saints and Mary with prayers directed to them.

Scripture mentions having faith and trust in God. seen in

Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Instead the Roman Catholic Church emphasizes a reliance on human practices like sacraments and rituals, and submission to the authority of the Pope.

God prohibits the drinking of blood of any kind, seen in

Leviticus 17:10

“And any man of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among them, that eats any manner of blood; I will set my face against that soul that eats blood, and will cut him off from among his people.”

The Roman Catholic Church teaches its followers that consuming Christ's blood is essential for salvation, when in fact God had prohibited the drinking blood of any kind.

It was the Nephilim who engaged in cannibalism and drank blood, as evidenced in..

1 Enoch 77:3-4

“And now the giants, who were born from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and shall be called evil spirits, and they shall be called spirits of the giants. And the spirits of the giants shall be like clouds, which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, and not eat. They shall not thirst; they shall cause their children to die. They shall make their wives widows and their children orphans, and they shall consume the flesh of men and drink the blood.”

Scripture forbids the worship of celestial bodies, yet our Christmas and Easter celebrations are rooted in pagan traditions linked to the equinoxes. And of course the Vatican itself studies the stars, echoing ancient pagan and astrological practices.

Jeremiah 10:2-4:

“Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.”

The Bible clearly condemns covetousness and greed, yet the Roman Catholic Church has accumulated substantial wealth, from opulent structures like the Vatican to invaluable art collections. This raises questions about whether the Church prioritizes material riches over spiritual values. Additionally, the practice of simony—buying and selling church offices—demonstrates a desire to acquire positions of power for personal benefit.

The Bible clearly teaches against pride and selfishness yet the Roman Catholic Church, though the doctrine of papal infallibility, elevates one individual above all others through a vote.

I’d like to address each of them in detail but it would take quite a while so, here are some additional discrepancies to consider.

God prohibits murder, seen in (Exodus 20:13; Matthew 5:21-22)

The Roman Catholic Church however has killed and tortured millions of people during the following

The Church sanctioned military campaigns during the Crusades, leading to the deaths of thousands in the name of reclaiming holy lands. While seen as religious wars, they involved significant bloodshed and are considered a violation of Christ’s teachings on peace.

The Spanish and Roman Inquisitions led to the persecution, torture, and execution of individuals accused of heresy. These violent actions were carried out with Church authority, contradicting the commandment against murder.

Throughout history, the Church has supported or aligned itself with various rulers and governments in wars that resulted in mass violence and loss of life, such as during the Thirty Years' War and other conflicts in Europe.

The Bible prohibits immorality, adultery and unrighteousness as seen in

Exodus 20:14

Leviticus 20:10

Proverbs 6:32

Matthew 5:27-28

Hebrews 13:4

The Roman Catholic Church has faced numerous reports of sexual abuse involving priests, particularly concerning minors. This widespread immorality, often accompanied by cover-ups, is viewed as a serious breach of the Church's teachings on chastity and purity.

In spite of the celibacy vows taken by priests and nuns, there have been many instances of clergy engaging in secret romantic or sexual relationships. Such actions starkly contradict their commitments and the biblical standard for sexual morality.

Additionally, the practice of granting annulments—sometimes even in cases where a marriage clearly existed—has been criticized for undermining the sanctity of marriage and facilitating adultery by allowing individuals to remarry.

Moreover, the sacrament of confession permits Catholics to confess their sins and receive absolution. Critics argue that this practice can be misused, effectively serving as a license to persist in immoral behavior without genuine repentance.

Only God has the authority to absolve anyone from sin; no human can do so.

The Bible prohibits homosexuality as seen in (Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27)

Numerous scandals have emerged involving clergy engaging in homosexual relations, which contradict the Church's own moral teachings and vows of celibacy.

The Bible teaches against deception and dishonesty (Exodus 20:16; Proverbs 12:22).

The Roman Catholic Church has been criticized for covering up widespread sexual abuse scandals, deceiving the public and protecting clergy instead of holding them accountable. This involved bearing false witness by denying or hiding the truth.

Critics also argue that the Church has historically altered or concealed certain biblical truths to maintain power, particularly during the Protestant Reformation.

The Bible teaches against stealing (Exodus 20:15; Ephesians 4:28)

During the Middle Ages, the practice of selling indulgences—payments made to reduce the punishment for sins—was perceived as a form of spiritual theft, taking advantage of the faithful for monetary gain. Over the course of history, the Church has amassed substantial wealth, often through the confiscation of land and resources from individuals and communities it governed, especially during the Inquisition.

The Bible teaches against fraud (Leviticus 19:13; James 5:4)

The Vatican has been embroiled in numerous financial scandals, including fraud allegations that involve the misuse of funds and money laundering through transactions connected to the Vatican Bank. Additionally, the sale or deceptive promotion of religious relics as authentic for profit has drawn significant criticism, as it exploits the faith of believers for financial gain.

The Bible teaches against exploiting the poor, vulnerable, or foreigners (Exodus 22:21-22; Amos 2:6-7)

The Roman Catholic Church played a significant role in supporting European colonization, frequently justifying the oppression and exploitation of indigenous populations in the Americas, Africa, and Asia, which included forced conversions and subjugation. Simultaneously, during the Inquisition, the Church engaged in the persecution of heretics, employing torture and confiscating property, often targeting marginalized groups.

The Bible teaches against Sabbath Violations (Deuteronomy 5:12-15, Exodus 20:8-11)

The Roman Catholic Church officially shifted the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, which some argue violates the biblical command to observe the Sabbath on the seventh day.

As a genuine follower of Christ rather than merely adhering to a religion, I find myself in strong disagreement with the Roman Catholic Church's claim to possess supreme authority over God's Word. Over time, it has become increasingly evident that the Church's teachings and practices often do not align with Scripture.

Many doctrines promoted by the RCC, such as the veneration of saints, the concept of purgatory, and the necessity of sacraments for salvation, appear to diverge significantly from biblical teachings. In my pursuit of faith, I hold the conviction that the Bible is the ultimate source of truth, inspired by God and sufficient for guiding our lives.

It is crucial for believers to examine the Scriptures for themselves, to seek personal understanding and relationship with God, rather than relying solely on institutional interpretations. True faith in Christ invites us to engage deeply with His teachings and the Word, empowering us to discern and challenge any practices that may obscure the essence of His message.



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