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Prophetic Parallels: Biblical Insights into Global Cataclysm and Authority

Writer's picture: Michelle HaymanMichelle Hayman

Ever wondered what’s really going on in today’s world? The endless crises—war, disease, poverty—it seems like chaos, but what if it’s all part of a plan crafted centuries ago by the so-called "enlightened ones"? Originally rooted in Bavaria, this secretive group was forced to relocate to Switzerland and is believed to now operate out of Germany and the Americas. Interestingly, these are the very locations where the Bilderberg meetings take place.

The plan? To establish a totalitarian Luciferian one-world government. This was something J.F. Kennedy aimed to expose before his assassination—a regime where humanity is subjugated under those who serve Lucifer. It might sound far-fetched, but even Nietzsche spoke of a “Death to God.” By this, I mean the same goal Lucifer has: to destroy all those who believe in Christ and, through racism, hatred, and fear, impose their ideology on the world.

How will they achieve this? In my opinion, by systematically eliminating all religions except for the Roman Catholic Church, which many, including myself, believe to be Luciferianism in disguise. The strategy involves deliberately triggering a final social cataclysm, leading to global chaos and the collapse of social orders. This will leave people desperate for stability and peace, making them more willing to accept a one-world government led by the very elites who orchestrated the chaos in the first place.

So, how are they pulling this off? Take the small boats and the integration of Muslims into Western society—these aren't just random events. By uprooting people from their cultures and beliefs, they aim to weaken their faith, creating societal tensions that can be easily exploited. The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, the war in Ukraine, and the rising tensions between the USA and China over Taiwan—all part of the same playbook, just like the world wars. Believe it or not, this plot traces back to King Solomon.

The so-called "enlightened ones" believe that through ancient esoteric knowledge and initiation into Lucifer's mystery religion, they gain superior insight into the divine. By performing rituals and sacrifices, they claim to open their third eyes, allowing them to perceive celestial realms. But here's the kicker—by believing in and sincerely repenting to Christ, we can also open our third eyes, accessing divine wisdom without the need for any dark rituals or sacrifices.

Every war and conflict we're witnessing today was set in motion long ago—nothing is left to chance. The pandemics? Also part of the plan. Consider AIDS and COVID—both zoonotic, both shrouded in mystery. Yet all of this, from the conflicts to the diseases, was foretold in scripture and prophecy thousands of years ago. Nothing happening now is a surprise to those who know where to look.

So, what’s their endgame? To enslave humanity—physically, mentally, and spiritually. That was always Lucifer's goal: to destroy us and lead us away from Christ. The World Revolutionary Movement, established on May 1st, 1776, is at the heart of this plan. Ironically, we celebrate that day as a bank holiday in Britain and the USA—the day associated with independence, Law day. But in reality, it’s a Luciferian day, marking the birth of the Illuminati.

These forces operate covertly, deflecting suspicion and keeping people guessing by pointing fingers elsewhere. They’ve manipulated internationalist movements since time began, all to pave the way for a Luciferian government. Their tactics mirror those of the Nazis—creating propaganda and inventing a fake enemy to manipulate public perception.

The World Revolutionary Movement eventually took shape under the United Nations, while the world was led to believe that the Illuminati had faded into obscurity. In truth, they’ve been working behind the scenes all along, steadily advancing their agenda.

Here’s a quote from Adam Weishaupt's letter (founder) dated February 6th, 1778:

"The allegory on which I am to found the mysteries of the higher order is 'the fire-worship of the Magi.'" (He's talking about the sun, and specifically the sun god Lucifer)

They are the spiritual forces of darkness mentioned in the Bible, roaming this world and seeking to destroy souls. These forces manipulate, deceive, and lure humanity away from the light, working tirelessly to fulfill their malevolent agenda. Their influence is pervasive, subtly guiding the course of history and shaping societies to serve their ultimate goal—dominion over the souls of mankind. And they want to destroy all those who oppose their will.

The secret knowledge they possess includes spiritual powers led by Lucifer in the celestial realm, who remains desperate to reign over Christ. These spiritual powers are the very ones Catholics unknowingly pray to, under the guise of saints, through the necromancy practiced by the RCC. This is precisely why God warned against worshiping idols, as it leads to one's own destruction. A thick fog of propaganda is carefully crafted to obscure the truth, keeping people from seeing the reality behind these deceptions.

This can be backed up by William Guy Carr's theory and more importantly God's word through his prophets and scripture:

The theory proposed by William Guy Carr, which suggests a final orchestrated global conflict leading to a "last social cataclysm" and the eventual rise of a one-world government, finds compelling resonance within certain biblical prophecies. These scriptures, when carefully examined, appear to provide a prophetic foundation that aligns with Carr’s unsettling vision of the future.

In the book of Daniel, we encounter a vivid and enigmatic prophecy involving four great beasts, each symbolizing a successive kingdom or empire. The fourth beast is described as "different from all the others," possessing a terrifying power to "devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it." This imagery is more than just a portrayal of a powerful kingdom; it is a depiction of an unprecedented, global entity that exerts control over the entire world. The prophecy suggests the emergence of a final, dominant empire—a global government—that will eclipse all previous powers in its reach and influence. This aligns with Carr's notion of a one-world government, which he believed would rise from the ashes of a carefully orchestrated global conflict.

Strangely wasn't it Kwasi Kwarteng, a UK politician who said something akin to rising from the ashes as far as the Tories are concerned, not weird!?

In September 2022, Kwarteng, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Truss, as Prime Minister, introduced a "mini-budget" that proposed substantial tax cuts and increased government borrowing to stimulate economic growth. However, their plan led to widespread market instability, including a sharp drop in the value of the British pound and increased borrowing costs. This financial turmoil forced Kwarteng to be dismissed and led to a significant change in economic strategy, including the reversal of many of the proposed measures.

It's crucial to understand that if their policies had intentionally led to market instability, it could have created opportunities for elite investors to profit from market fluctuations, distressed assets, or other financial maneuvers. In such scenarios, while the general public might face economic challenges, those with insider knowledge or connections could exploit the situation for financial gain.

Sorry, went off on a tangent there.

The book of Revelation expands on this concept of a global authority, particularly in the depiction of the beast in chapter 13. The beast, often interpreted as the Antichrist, is given authority "over every tribe, people, language, and nation." The universal scope of this power indicates a centralized control over the world’s population, a scenario in which all people are compelled to submit to a singular, tyrannical authority. Revelation also describes how the inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast, signifying not just political dominance but also a form of total ideological control. This apocalyptic vision aligns eerily with Carr's theory of a final social cataclysm, where global chaos leads to the masses, weary and desperate, accepting this new world order as the only path to peace and stability.

Moreover, the fall of "Babylon the Great," as depicted in Revelation 17 and 18, provides a symbolic representation of a corrupt and oppressive global system that meets its demise after exerting control over the nations. The downfall of this entity causes great mourning among the kings and merchants of the earth, signifying the collapse of a global economic and political power. This event is marked by widespread chaos and destruction, further supporting the notion that a final cataclysmic event will precede the establishment of a new, oppressive global regime.

Finally, Jesus’s discourse on the end times in Matthew 24 adds another layer of validation to Carr’s theory. Jesus speaks of "wars and rumors of wars" and describes a time when "nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom." This tumultuous period, characterized by conflict and upheaval on a global scale, fits well with the idea of an orchestrated series of events designed to bring about the final social cataclysm. It is within this context of worldwide chaos that a new, unifying power could emerge, presenting itself as the solution to the world’s crises but ultimately leading to the subjugation of humanity.

In synthesizing these biblical prophecies, we can see a consistent theme: the rise of a final, global authority that emerges out of conflict and chaos. While the details of Carr’s theory may be speculative, the scriptural evidence provides a hauntingly parallel narrative. The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, combined with Jesus’s warnings in the Gospels, suggest that a final social cataclysm leading to the establishment of a one-world government is not only possible but perhaps even foretold. Whether this interpretation of prophecy holds true remains to be seen, but the alignment of these ancient texts with Carr’s theory offers a powerful argument for its plausibility.

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." — Revelation 18:4 (KJV)


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