I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist; that label is often applied to those who hold dissenting opinions from the mainstream narratives we've been conditioned to accept.
Lately, given the flurry of events, I've felt compelled to delve deeper into world affairs. The more I examine, the more discrepancies I find. I've touched upon the lack of transparency within organizations and the prevalence of secret societies, and I'm eager to explore these topics further.
The origins of esoteric cults trace back to ancient civilizations like Egypt and Greece, where hidden knowledge was reserved for initiates of the mysteries—priests, sages, and the elite. Within these ancient mystery schools, a diverse array of sciences and philosophies were imparted to the privileged few. However, over time, the purity of Divine wisdom gave way to sorcery, driven by the vices of wickedness, greed, and lust among them. Meanwhile, the common populace remained ignorant and fearful, kept in the dark about these clandestine teachings.
After experiencing encounters with demons and evil spirits in my home, I've turned to Christ and begun researching the prevalence of witchcraft, black magic, Satanism, and the occult in our society. I'm exploring how these practices are intertwined not only with secret societies but also with what I perceive to be the Roman Catholic Church's connection to ancient esoteric knowledge.
So what do I know so far?
Adam Weishaupt is credited with founding the Illuminati, a secret society, on May 1st, 1776, in Ingolstadt, Bavaria (in present-day Germany). Weishaupt, a professor of law, established the Illuminati with the aim of promoting Enlightenment ideals such as reason, secularism, and the advancement of knowledge.
The Illuminati grew rapidly, attracting members from various backgrounds, including intellectuals, professionals, and politicians. However, the society's clandestine nature and perceived subversive activities led to it being banned by the Bavarian government in the late 1780s.
There were claims made by the Duke of Bavaria that the Illuminati were still active and recruiting members even after the society was officially disbanded by the Bavarian government in the late 18th century. These claims fueled conspiracy theories about the continued existence of the Illuminati and their alleged influence in various spheres of society.
May 1st, known as Walpurgis Night, is a traditional European celebration with ties to pagan and Christian customs. It's often linked to witches gathering on a mountain to hold a sabbath. People mark the occasion with bonfires and festivities, welcoming the arrival of spring. It's a blend of ancient beliefs and Christian traditions, still celebrated in some parts of Europe today.
Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan on April 30th, 1966, Walpurgisnacht, which is the night before May 1st. This date holds significance in various occult traditions, and LaVey intentionally chose it for the founding of his organization.
One might inquire about the objective of the Illuminati. It was purportedly to eradicate the genuine teachings of Christ and to subvert governmental authority.
Did the Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones, Freemasons, Knights Templar, and The Federal Reserve simply evolve from ancient cults? They seem to thrive on secrecy while exerting influence over ordinary individuals and society at large. It's also perplexing to witness the pope's involvement in politics, given his purported role as the representative of Christ, whose primary mission is to save souls rather than engage in political affairs that affect common people like us. As discrepancies between the Catholic gospel and the true teachings of Christ continue to surface, more questions arise than answers, leading to further speculation.
In his book, Fifty Years in The Church of Rome, Charles Chiniquy writes, "Taking the Bishop by the hand, I led him to the library, and opened the pages of the history of the church, by Cardinals Baronius andd Fieury, and I showed him the names of more than fifty Popes who had evidently been atheists and infidels. I read to him the lives of Borgia, Alexander VI., and a dozen others, who would surely and justly be hanged today by the executioner of Quebec, were they, in that city committing one-half of the murder, debauchery of every kind, which they committed in Rome, Avignon, Naples etc"
If exclusive access to the truth about our reality was reserved for members of ancient mystery cults, could it be possible that everything we've been taught by the educational institutions, largely controlled by the elite, is a fabrication or a selective portrayal of our true origins?
Joseph Willard, president of Harvard University warned, "There is sufficient evidence that a number of societies of the Illuminati have been established in the land of the Gospel light and civil liberty, which were first organized from the grand society in France. They are doubtless secretly striving to undermine all our ancient institutions, civil and sacred"
Within secret societies lie even more secretive factions. For instance, consider the UK Conservative Party harboring its own covert group known as the ERG, conveniently sharing the last three letters with "Bilderberg." While British citizens elect their politicians, it raises eyebrows that an undisclosed assembly, operating behind closed doors, wields influence over society's affairs.
Jacob Rees-Mogg, a member of the ERG and a devout Roman Catholic who often integrates his religious beliefs into political discussions, has referred to abortion as "a cult of death." It's worth noting that his investment firm has profited from the sale of pills used in abortions.
In the presidential election between George W. Bush and John Kerry, both candidates were members of the Skull and Bones society. So, no matter who people voted for, they were essentially choosing between two members of the same secret society.
In an article by Alan Cooperman from NBC News, it's noted that George W. Bush, a self-proclaimed Christian, referred to Pope John Paul II as "A hero of our time." This is the same pope who was suspected of covering up for pedophile priests.
Cooperman's article also highlights Bush's response to the question,
"If you died this moment, do you have the assurance you would go to heaven?" Blessitt asked.
Bush replied, "No."
It's worth noting that this response comes from a man who led America into the Iraq War under false pretenses.
See article below
The article also touches on The Knights of Columbus, identified as yet another exclusive organization, as it requires membership solely from practicing Catholic men. Like many other secretive societies, the Knights of Columbus keeps its activities shielded from public view, leaving much to speculation and curiosity.
The mystery schools, once dedicated to uncovering profound knowledge and Divine blessings, took a darker turn as the allure of power and greed fueled the egos of many.
Consider, for instance, the followers of Dionysus, Dionysus was also worshipped in Rome, where he was known as Bacchus.
The cult of Dionysus was an ancient Greek religious group dedicated to the worship of Dionysus, the god of wine, fertility, ecstasy, and theater. Followers of Dionysus, known as Bacchae or Maenads, engaged in ecstatic rituals involving music, dance, and the consumption of wine. These rituals were believed to bring about a state of divine ecstasy, allowing worshippers to commune with the their lesser god and experience spiritual liberation. The cult of Dionysus played a significant role in Greek religion and culture, influencing art, literature, and philosophy throughout antiquity.
Please note that Baal, a deity worshiped in various ancient Semitic cultures, has been associated or assimilated with Bacchus in certain contexts, particularly within the Greco-Roman cultural sphere.
The worship of Venus, particularly as the morning star, has historical roots in various ancient cultures, including Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome. In some traditions, Venus was associated with love, beauty, fertility, and even warfare.
The leaders of the Roman Catholic Church, including the popes, bishops, and priests, bear resemblance to the Pharisees who criticized Jesus two millennia ago for their hypocrisy and pride, stemming from their perceived spiritual superiority. This parallel becomes evident when considering the numerous cases of sexual abuse,their cover up, and the proliferation of doctrines based on human traditions rather than Divine teachings within the Church's theology.
Oh, and let's not forget the delightful culture war served up by Hollywood, where we're encouraged to worship the rich and famous for their impeccable looks, designer clothes, and knack for flaunting their success on reality TV. Murder and witchcraft galore on Netflix, while traditional identities are torn apart and anyone clinging to gender norms is branded abnormal. And let's not overlook our benevolent overlords promising eternal life through transhumanism, a concept that explores the merging of technology with the human body to enhance physical and cognitive abilities. Elon Musk has indeed made comments regarding his ambitions to advance technology in ways that could "benefit humans" potentially by the concept of brain-computer interfaces and the potential for humans to merge with artificial intelligence in the future.
He allegedly envisions a future where humans might have the ability to transfer their consciousness into robotic bodies.
That's our souls into robots!
Once they control your mind they control your soul!
Wasn't that the devil's ploy?
Consider the prospect of eternal servitude to the ruling elite, who dangle the promise of immortality in exchange for our consciousness (soul) all so they can keep us in the dark about our origins, revel in their wealth, and squeeze every last penny out of us in taxes while we cower in permanent fear through their pandemics, wars, disease, and mind control.
But sure, let's keep pretending we're not immortal cosmic energy, while Satan and his coven lead us down the path of darkness and destruction. Sounds like a blast, doesn't it? But hey, maybe it's high time we snapped out of it and rediscovered our true purpose and connection to the Divine, courtesy of Christ consciousness.
For the uninformed, welcome to the spiritual battlefield.
In a bizarre turn of events, yesterday I was startled by a sudden loud bang in the bedroom. All the cats went into a frenzy as a semi invisible force seemed to crash through the screen door at speed. The impact was so intense that it splintered a piece of wood off, which was later found approximately 5 meters away from the door. I have attached some photos for reference. This unexpected intrusion left the screen door wide open, allowing my house cats to escape – a recurring nightmare of mine lately.
Adding to the strangeness, every night I hear a whirling sound, almost like energy bending, just as I am about to fall asleep. I am hoping to capture this on recording. Moreover, I have felt the sensation of someone sitting down on my mattress, and I have been haunted by visions of yellow eyes and other demonic faces appearing in my third eye, prior to their tormenting me in the spiritual realm.

Subsequently, there was another suspicious incident involving an attempt to obtain my bank details. In this strange encounter, a woman named Josie appeared in the spirit realm (it's worth noting that the witch doctor herself goes by the name Josefina). She was seated at a desk, claiming to need my bank card for insurance purposes. Later on, a male figure demanded that I hand over the hard drive. It's intriguing to consider that the witch doctor had previously mentioned working for an insurance company. Could this dream be a warning about illicit activities in the vicinity?