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The Bloodlines of Power: The Nephilim, hybrids, and the Quest for Control

Writer's picture: Michelle HaymanMichelle Hayman

The story of humanity, from the days before the flood(s) to the present day, is intertwined with the influence of fallen angels, their offspring, the Nephilim, and secret knowledge that has shaped the spiritual and physical landscape of our world. To fully understand the spiritual battles of today, we must return to the ancient scriptures, and uncover the roots of rebellion that began with the hybrid race of Nephilim and continue through their bloodline, secret societies like Freemasonry, Gnosticism, and pantheistic pagan religions.

The Nephilim: The Reason for the Flood(s)

The Bible reveals that the Nephilim, a hybrid race of giants, were the offspring of fallen angels and human women. Among them, Cain stands out as the first hybrid, notorious for murdering the righteous Abel. This act marked the beginning of a profound struggle between the lineage of the true God and the forces of darkness, represented by the Seraphim, other powers and principalities. This conflict set the stage for a cosmic battle that would reverberate throughout history, influencing not just individual destinies but the very fabric of humanity itself. The emergence of the Nephilim symbolizes a pivotal moment in the ongoing struggle between good and evil, with implications that extend far beyond their time.

In Genesis 6:1-4, we read:

"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose... There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

The Nephilim, these hybrid offspring of fallen angels and human women, did more than simply exist outside God's natural order—they actively corrupted His creation. These beings defied not only the laws of nature but also God's divine commandments. By imparting forbidden knowledge, they led humanity into grave sin and rebellion against their Creator. This knowledge included the corrupted use of sacred laws, twisting divine wisdom for evil purposes. As a result, the world became rife with violence, greed, and debauchery.

The Nephilim introduced humanity to perverse forms of power and influence. They spread practices of sorcery, astrology, and witchcraft, all designed to lead people away from the worship of the true God and into the worship of the fallen angels, who masqueraded as pagan gods. Their influence brought about a society rooted in corruption, lust for power, and moral decay, eventually contributing to the pre-flood world's downfall.

These creatures were not just rebellious in their actions but also in their nature—they were lawless, engaging in horrific practices like cannibalism and the drinking of blood, a dark ritual believed to elongate their carnal lives. This grotesque defiance of God's order further illustrates how deeply they had perverted the world. Their insatiable appetite for power and immortality not only corrupted humanity but also distanced mankind from the Creator.

Their destructive influence is what prompted God to bring the Great Flood(s), a divine judgment meant to cleanse the earth from the corruption brought about by the Nephilim. Yet, even after the flood(s), their legacy of evil survived in various forms, through secret knowledge, false worship, and continued rebellion against God’s law.

Genesis 6:5 tells us of the result:

"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."

God, grieved by the corruption on the earth, determined to bring judgment through a great flood(s). However, Noah, "a just man and perfect in his generations" (Genesis 6:9), found grace in the eyes of the Lord and was chosen to preserve the human race. The flood wiped out much of the wickedness, but the bloodline of the Nephilim did not end there.

Interestingly Hitler believed that he was from the master race the Aryans which are derived from the Nephilim. Hitler’s ideology regarding the Aryans and their connection to the Nephilim emerged from a blend of occult beliefs, racial theories, and interpretations of ancient texts. He and the Nazi regime sought to establish the Aryans as a superior race, often linking them to historical figures.

From the Nephilim lineage emerged several tribes that played significant roles in biblical narratives. The Anakites, direct descendants of Anak, are mentioned in Numbers 13:33 and represented a formidable presence in the land of Canaan. Similarly, the Rephaim, a group of giants often associated with the Anakites, are noted for their size and strength throughout various scriptures.

Another group linked to the Nephilim are the Emim, described as tall and formidable people living in Moab, referenced in Deuteronomy 2:10-11. The Zamzummim, another giant tribe mentioned in Deuteronomy 2:20-21, were considered rivals of Israel. Og of Bashan, the last of the Rephaim and a giant king, is highlighted for his size in Deuteronomy 3:11. Goliath, the famous Philistine giant from Gath, is often seen as a descendant of the Anakites, symbolizing opposition to Israel.

The Gibborim, translated as "mighty men," represent warriors of extraordinary strength and are sometimes linked to the Nephilim. The Anakim, specifically referenced in Joshua, are also direct descendants of Anak and are portrayed as giants in Canaan.

In appropriating these themes of ancient giants and kings, Hitler and the Nazis promoted their ideas of racial superiority. They claimed that the Aryan race was the true descendant of a noble lineage, which they argued could be traced back to the Nephilim or similar figures.

By merging ancient history with racial ideology, they fueled their belief in the superiority of the Aryan race, using it to justify oppressive and genocidal policies, which helps explain the appalling slaughter of innocent Jews in the Holocaust, they despised them and their God.

(So why has there been antisemitism in the Roman Catholic Church, and how can it be explained that the Church aided Nazis through the Ratlines to escape, if they claim to worship the same God?)

If Hitler saw himself from the bloodline of the fallen angels, then he was of Satan himself.

The first post-Flood pioneer of rebellion, and often regarded as the first Freemason, was Nimrod.

In the aftermath of the Flood, when humanity was given a chance to start anew, a figure named Nimrod emerged as a formidable leader, steering people back toward rebellion against God. Genesis 10:8-9 introduces him as a mighty hunter and a powerful ruler, stating that he was a son of Cush and that he established a great kingdom. His rise symbolized a rejection of the divine order and a return to the chaos that had led to the Flood in the first place.

Nimrod's ambition and charisma enabled him to unite various tribes under his leadership, constructing cities such as Babel, where the infamous Tower of Babel was built. This monumental structure was an attempt to reach the heavens, a blatant challenge to God's authority and a testament to human pride and ambition. By leading people to focus on their own works rather than on the worship of their Creator for their salvation. Sound familiar? Nimrod not only fostered a spirit of defiance but also laid the groundwork for systems of governance that sought to usurp divine sovereignty. Nimrod perpetuated the use of the corrupted sacred knowledge passed down by the Nephilim, incorporating astrology, witchcraft, and various other perversions of divine law in his pursuit of greed, power, and control. Nimrod used this knowledge to manipulate and enslave humanity, and create a one world government.

Rather than leading people toward truth and spiritual growth, Nimrod harnessed this corrupted knowledge to bolster his influence. He utilized astrology, not as a means of understanding God's creation, but to control and predict events for his benefit. Witchcraft and other occult practices, inherited from the teachings of the fallen angels, became tools in his hands to deceive and manipulate the masses, ensuring that his rule went unchallenged. These dark practices were designed to turn people away from the true God, encouraging them to seek power through forbidden means rather than through faith and obedience to the Creator.

(He held the keys to heaven in his hand, yet shut them out from the kingdom of God.)

By doing so, Nimrod followed in the footsteps of the Nephilim, perpetuating a system of rebellion that defied God's natural order. His cities, including Babel, became centers of this occult knowledge, where sacred truths were corrupted into rituals and ceremonies that glorified human power over divine will. The pursuit of personal gain and dominance, fueled by these dark practices, became the hallmark of his reign and set a dangerous precedent for future generations. Nimrod's legacy is one of using divine knowledge not to serve others, but to dominate and exploit—a tragic reminder of the consequences when mankind turns away from God's truth and seeks power in the shadows.

Additionally, Nimrod’s association with the early practices of Freemasonry is significant. The symbolism and rituals that later became central to Freemasonry can be traced back to the ancient societies that revered Nimrod as a god-like figure. His influence permeated various cultures and traditions, illustrating how he became a model for those who sought immortality and power through esoteric knowledge and the manipulation of spiritual truths.

The Cooke Manuscript, a Masonic document from around 1410, references Nimrod's connection to masonry. It states:

"And this same Nimrod began the tower of Babylon, and he taught the craft of masonry to his workmen, and he loved and cherished them well."

In Dr. James Anderson's Constitutions of the Free-Masons from 1723, he writes:

"Nimrod was a Mason indeed; he was the founder of the first city after the flood, and he taught the craft of masonry to his workmen."

The story of the Nephilim did not end with the flood. Their influence carried forward through secret societies, particularly Freemasonry, which perpetuates the corrupted sacred laws taught by the Nephilim. Freemasonry and its offshoots, including Gnosticism, and all pantheistic religions continue to seek hidden knowledge—often referred to as "Gnosis"—which leads away from the true worship of God.

The Bible warns against these practices in 1 Timothy 6:20-21:

"O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith."

Freemasonry, with its symbolism, rituals, and teachings, aligns closely with the ancient pantheistic religions that worshiped the fallen angels as gods. These pagan deities—Zeus, Jupiter, Poseidon, and others—were merely human names given to the fallen angels, and their hybrid offspring, the Nephilim, were worshipped as demigods.The Anunnaki of ancient Sumer serve as a prominent example of the Nephilim, regarded as deities who descended from the heavens while also being rooted in the earth.

Numerous excavations have taken place in Sumer, particularly in notable sites like Ur, Uruk, Eridu, Nippur, and Lagash. These digs are of great significance as many believe that the forbidden knowledge, once imparted by the Nephilim, was hidden beneath the ancient ziggurats. These monumental structures served not only as religious centers but also as repositories of sacred and esoteric wisdom, suggesting that vital truths about the past may lie buried within their ruins. The ongoing exploration of these sites continues to intrigue archaeologists and historians alike, as they seek to uncover the secrets of a civilization that played a pivotal role in shaping human history. The artifacts and writings recovered from these excavations may provide insight into the ancient belief systems and practices that have persisted through the ages, hinting at a deeper connection to the Nephilim and their influence on humanity.

Cain was not just a murderer but the progenitor of a wicked bloodline. Some traditions suggest that Cain himself may have been the first hybrid, born of Eve and a fallen angel, marking the beginning of the Nephilim. Through Cain’s lineage, the world first saw the violence and corruption that would eventually lead to the flood. Cain’s descendants spread the corrupted knowledge, including astrology, sun worship, the use of metals, and other forbidden arts, furthering the rebellion against God.

In His confrontations with the Pharisees, Jesus made a powerful declaration, exposing their hypocrisy and secretive practices. He referred to them in John 8:44

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it",

highlighting that they were aligned with the very forces of darkness that opposed God’s truth.

These Pharisees, along with the Jewish high priests, are often seen as guardians of a corrupted religious system that engaged in sun worship and idolatry, while simultaneously hoarding sacred knowledge from the people. By stating, “the lusts of your father ye will do,” Jesus was indicating that their actions were driven by a desire for power, manipulation, and falsehood, rather than by the love and righteousness that should define a true follower of God. This confrontation underscores the tension between those who seek to control knowledge and maintain religious authority for their gain, and the message of Jesus, which was intended to liberate and enlighten all people. In this context, Jesus positioned Himself as the light of truth, contrasting sharply with the darkness of deceit perpetuated by the religious leaders of His time.

Even today, the Roman Catholic Church prominently displays symbols of the sun, moon, and stars, which serve as echoes of ancient worship. These celestial symbols can be found in various forms throughout the Church’s architecture and liturgy. Additionally, the Vatican’s observatory underscores a continued interest in the cosmos, suggesting a complex relationship between faith and the study of the universe. Many popes have engaged deeply with philosophy and theology, often intertwining these disciplines to explore the mysteries of existence. This blend of celestial symbolism and intellectual inquiry raises questions about how these ancient motifs persist within contemporary religious practice, inviting reflection on their deeper meanings and implications.

Understanding the Nephilim and their followers, such as the Freemasons, Gnostics and pantheistic religions is crucial to comprehending the New World Order prophesied in Scripture. The agenda of the Nephilim has always been to enslave humanity under an oppressive government, leading people away from the true Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and into destruction. The Bible warns us about this in Ephesians 6:12:

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Freemasonry, along with snake cults, pantheistic religions disguised as Christianity, Gnostic teachings, and various secret societies, perpetuates the ancient deceptions rooted in the legacy of the Nephilim. These groups advocate for a New World Order that envisions a hierarchical structure where a select elite—often believed to be descendants of the Nephilim—would govern as kings and demigods over the general population. This pursuit reflects an age-old ambition to consolidate power and control, reminiscent of the oppressive regimes of the past.

This unfolding narrative aligns closely with the prophecies outlined in the Book of Revelation, where the emergence of the Antichrist is foretold. This figure will rise to prominence, attempting to unify the world under his dominion, seducing many with promises of peace and prosperity while masking his true intent. As the Antichrist seeks to establish his authority, he embodies the very principles that the Nephilim espoused—rebellion against divine order and a desire for supremacy.

The resurgence of these ancient philosophies serves as a reminder of the ongoing spiritual battle between truth and deception. While these movements attempt to draw humanity away from its Creator, the ultimate fulfillment of Scripture assures believers that God’s plan will prevail, and that the forces of darkness will ultimately be defeated. The call to discernment is crucial in these times, as we navigate a world filled with competing ideologies that echo the ancient lies of the Nephilim.

The influence of fallen angels and the Nephilim bloodline extends deeply into both politics and religion, leaving an indelible mark on the course of human history. These beings, cast out of heaven due to their rebellion against God, have taken on various forms and identities throughout the ages, disguising themselves as deities in numerous cultures. The pantheon of ancient civilizations is filled with names like Zeus, Osiris, Baal, Jupiter, Poseidon, Apollo, Venus, Ishtar, and Isis—each representing these fallen entities and their progeny.

By presenting themselves as divine figures, these beings have successfully led humanity into idolatry and spiritual deception. Their strategies have always been rooted in seduction, drawing people away from the worship of the true God and leading them into spiritual darkness. This pervasive influence can be seen in the rituals, symbols, and beliefs that permeate many religious traditions, often masquerading as holy practices while rooted in ancient paganism.

As these entities continue to operate through the ages, they have become what Scripture refers to as “doctrines of devils,” a warning that Jesus himself emphasized. This highlights the ongoing struggle between light and darkness, truth and deception. The pervasive nature of this spiritual warfare calls for discernment among believers, urging them to seek the truth and recognize the schemes of those who would lead them astray. Understanding the historical context of these influences can help us better navigate the complexities of faith in a world filled with competing ideologies.

Neoplatonism, a philosophical system that emerged in the third century, exemplifies this trend. Its teachings prioritize the worship of the sun, moon, and stars, intertwining philosophical inquiry with a spiritual hierarchy that often elevates these celestial bodies to the status of deities. The Neoplatonists believed that these heavenly entities could bridge the gap between the material and spiritual worlds, further entrenching the idea of idolatry within religious thought.

In ancient Egypt, the sun god Ra was venerated as the ultimate source of life and power, representing the cycle of creation and destruction. Similarly, the Babylonians and Canaanites held the stars and planets in high esteem, viewing them as manifestations of their gods. This worship extended to rituals and practices that sought to align human existence with the movements of these celestial bodies, demonstrating how deeply embedded these beliefs were in their societies.

The reverence for these heavenly symbols not only reflects a departure from the worship of the true God but also highlights the continued influence of the fallen angels, who sought to lead humanity away from genuine spiritual understanding. This manipulation of natural awe has resulted in a widespread acceptance of idolatry, prompting believers to exercise discernment and return to the teachings of Scripture, which call for worship rooted in truth rather than deception.

Shockingly, many of these pagan rituals and symbols infiltrated the early church, especially within the Roman Catholic Church, which over time absorbed and merged various pagan practices into its religious framework. This syncretism can be seen in the adoption of pagan festivals, such as the winter solstice celebration (later rebranded as Christmas), and the incorporation of sun worship symbolism into church architecture and rituals. For example, the halo often depicted around saints' heads in Catholic iconography resembles the sun disk of ancient sun gods, and the use of astronomical timing to determine religious festivals echoes pagan traditions of worshipping the heavenly bodies.

The presence of these symbols and practices in Christianity is a direct result of the influence of the fallen angels, who sought to corrupt true worship by blending it with idolatry. The Roman Emperor Constantine, who played a significant role in shaping early Christianity, himself followed many pagan customs before his alleged conversion. This allowed for the smooth transition of pagan sun worship into Christian rituals, which still persists in some forms today.

What began as the worship of false gods in ancient cultures has subtly permeated modern religious systems, blurring the line between the worship of the true God and the veneration of the fallen angels. Through these ancient symbols of sun, moon, and stars, the fallen angels have continued to lead people astray, diverting their attention from the Creator to the created. This spiritual deception highlights the ongoing battle between the forces of darkness and the true God, as humanity struggles to discern between divine truth and satanic counterfeits.

The Apostle Paul warned us in 1 Corinthians 10:20:

"But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils."

These pagan practices, deeply rooted in the worship of fallen angels, have been cloaked in symbols, rites, and ceremonies that often align with the movements of the zodiac and celestial bodies. The fallen angels, under various names and guises, presented themselves as gods to ancient cultures, who in turn built elaborate systems of worship around these beings. Secret societies like the Freemasons have preserved and perpetuated these ancient traditions, keeping alive the corrupted knowledge passed down from the Nephilim. Their goal has been to restore the kind of world that existed before the Flood, when the Nephilim, the hybrid offspring of fallen angels and human women, ruled over mankind and openly defied God’s laws.

These ancient practices continue today, though often veiled in layers of mystery and secrecy. The Freemasons and other Gnostic groups claim to hold "secret knowledge"—a supposed path to enlightenment that is nothing more than a continuation of the rebellion initiated by the Nephilim. Through veiled pantheistic religions and hidden symbolism in modern institutions, they prepare the world for the rise of the Antichrist. This future figure, prophesied in Scripture, will deceive many, presenting himself as the true Messiah while leading people further away from God.

As Jesus warned in

Matthew 24:24, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

Yet despite the darkness that these forces attempt to bring into the world, the Bible makes it clear that their plans will not succeed.

Revelation 19:20 foretells the fate of these deceivers:

"And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."

The Antichrist is prophesied to broker a peace deal, particularly in the Middle East, initially creating a temporary sense of security and unity among nations. However, this peace is deceptive, serving merely as a façade that conceals his true intentions. As he appears to resolve longstanding conflicts, it may lure many into complacency, blinding them to the chaos brewing beneath the surface.

As events unfold, believers must remain vigilant and discerning, recognizing that this false peace is part of a larger agenda designed to incite chaos and lead people away from true faith. The Antichrist's actions, while seemingly benevolent at first, ultimately aim to undermine God’s truth and draw humanity into spiritual rebellion. It is essential to maintain faith and seek wisdom through Scripture to navigate these tumultuous times and resist the allure of false promises.

Are we on the brink of another extinction-level event? This possibility raises questions about the motivations behind the secret space program that has captured the public's imagination. As humanity grapples with escalating crises—climate change, political instability, and the threat of global conflict—the urgency for solutions becomes increasingly apparent.

Some speculate that these clandestine initiatives are not merely scientific endeavors but rather preparations for a potential catastrophic event. The notion that governments and powerful organizations are investing in off-world technologies and exploration could stem from a deep-seated awareness of imminent threats, whether natural or man-made.

The secrecy surrounding these programs suggests that there may be more at play than just curiosity about the cosmos. If we are indeed facing existential risks, the implications could be profound. The quest for understanding our universe may be deeply connected to a pressing need to secure the survival of humanity, yet it often appears to prioritize the preservation of only the elite bloodlines.

Though they have tried to corrupt God’s creation and mislead humanity, the Nephilim and their descendants cannot alter the divine plan. The bloodlines of these fallen beings, preserved through history and hidden in plain sight, may attempt to obscure the truth and lead people away from God, but they are powerless against the Almighty. Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, will return to defeat these dark forces once and for all, bringing justice and truth. As Scripture says in Philippians 2:10-11,

"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

But amidst this looming judgment, there is a beacon of hope. The Bible calls everyone to turn from deception and false worship and return to the truth found in Jesus Christ. In John 14:6, Jesus proclaims,

"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Now is the time to repent, see through the elites manipulation, to reject the lies perpetuated by the Nephilim, the fallen angels, and the secret societies that continue their rebellion. By turning to Christ, the true light of the world, we can escape the coming judgment and receive the gift of salvation.

As the end times draw near, it becomes more crucial than ever to discern between truth and deception. Those who follow the path of the Nephilim and their false gods will face judgment, but those who embrace the truth of Christ will find victory over the forces of darkness. Today is the day to seek the truth, repent, and be saved from the coming wrath. Through faith in Jesus, we can overcome the rebellion of the Nephilim and be welcomed into God’s eternal kingdom.



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