In our modern age, the lines between spiritual truth and deception have become increasingly blurred, especially when it comes to the occult and idol worship. Historically, the Bible provides a warning about spiritual forces that can influence humanity, often leading people astray through practices like witchcraft, idol worship, and divine rebellion. One of the most significant yet misunderstood aspects of this spiritual warfare is the concept of the "host of heaven" and the worship of the Queen of Heaven—both of which have profound implications on the occult practices that continue to this day.
The Host of Heaven and Its Hidden Meaning
The term "host of heaven" is commonly understood to refer to the celestial bodies—the sun, moon, and stars—which were often worshipped by ancient civilizations as gods or deities (Deuteronomy 4:19, 17:3). However, a deeper look at the scriptures reveals that the "host of heaven" encompasses much more than just the physical stars in the sky. In 2 Kings 21:5-6, Manasseh, the King of Judah, set up altars for the host of heaven, which is interpreted as an act of idolatry, worshipping spiritual entities other than God.
These "hosts" were not just celestial bodies but also fallen angels—spiritual beings who once served God but rebelled against Him. In Revelation 12:4, 7-9, we learn that Satan and his angels were cast out of heaven, and now, they have influence over the world, especially in matters of occult practices. When ancient people worshipped the "host of heaven," they were not only venerating the physical stars but also unknowingly giving homage to the fallen angels and demonic spirits who now rule over earthly matters, leading humans astray.
The Nephilim and Familiar Spirits
The Nephilim, mentioned in Genesis 6:4 and expanded upon in the Book of Enoch, are described as the giants and mighty men born from the union of the sons of God (interpreted as fallen angels) and human women. These beings became the corrupted offspring that contributed to the widespread evil before the flood. However, the story doesn't end with their deaths. According to the Book of Enoch, the spirits of these Nephilim became evil spirits, also known as familiar spirits—the very same entities that are invoked in occult rituals, necromancy, and divination.
In 2 Kings 21:6, King Manasseh consulted familiar spirits and practiced witchcraft, a sign that he was engaging with these evil entities, who were the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. These spirits linger on Earth, tempting humans into spiritual deception. Familiar spirits are often associated with divination, mediumship, and witchcraft, allowing occultists to commune with the dead or with demonic forces. These spirits were believed to possess great power, enabling individuals to foretell the future or control events through dark magic.
The Queen of Heaven: A Pagan Deity and Its Occult Influence
The Queen of Heaven, as mentioned in Jeremiah 7:18 and Jeremiah 44:17-19, refers to a powerful deity worshipped by the Israelites during their apostasy. This title was not a mere cultural reference but an occult figure to whom people offered rituals, cakes, and drink offerings. The Bible condemns this practice, calling it an abomination before God. The Queen of Heaven was associated with several ancient pagan goddesses, including Ishtar, Astarte, and Asherah, who were worshipped in the ancient Near East.
These goddesses were believed to control fertility, love, and warfare, and they were often depicted as powerful, divine women with influence over nature and humanity. The worship of the Queen of Heaven was deeply tied to astrology, ritual magic, and spiritual manipulation. People believed that by offering sacrifices and performing rituals to these deities, they could gain control over their destinies or even commune with the gods themselves.
From a spiritual warfare perspective, it is important to recognize that these goddesses were often demonic manifestations of Satan’s influence. Satan, as the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2), has been active in guiding humanity toward idol worship and the worship of false gods. The Queen of Heaven represents Satan's attempt to draw people away from the worship of the one true God and lead them into the practice of idolatry and spiritual deception.
Bewitchment, Control, and Occult Practices
At its core, the worship of the Queen of Heaven and the host of heaven was about control—control over nature, control over people, and ultimately, control over the human soul. The practice of witchcraft, sorcery, and divination all fall under this umbrella of spiritual manipulation. Ancient occult practices were not just about seeking power but were rooted in the desire to manipulate and bewitch others.
Much like the ancient practices of astrology, fortune-telling, and necromancy, today’s occult movements seek to empower individuals to influence their environments through spiritual forces. The use of familiar spirits in rituals to control outcomes, predict futures, or manipulate others’ wills is the modern-day equivalent of the idolatry condemned by God in the Old Testament.
The Vatican, Its Telescope, and the Queen of Heaven
In recent years, questions have been raised about the Vatican’s involvement in occult practices, its interest in the cosmos, and its worship of deities outside of traditional Christianity. Specifically, the Vatican's ownership of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona and the construction of altars dedicated to the Queen of Heaven have sparked intrigue and concern. These activities, when viewed in light of biblical history and ancient occult practices, reveal a deeper connection to spiritual deception, the worship of fallen angels, and the manipulation of cosmic powers. So why does the Vatican own a telescope and why have altars been built to the Queen of Heaven? A figure that was never meant to be associated with the true Mary, mother of Jesus.
The Vatican and Its Telescope: A Window to the Heavens
The Vatican’s Large Binocular Telescope is located at the Mount Graham International Observatory in Arizona, USA. Officially, the telescope is intended for astronomical research, but its ownership by the Catholic Church raises questions about the Vatican's true intentions and its fascination with the cosmos. Historically, the Vatican has had a deep interest in astronomy, with the Vatican Observatory being one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world. However, the connection between the Vatican’s telescope and its esoteric interests is more than just scientific curiosity.
The Vatican's telescope is a symbol of the Church's ongoing search for knowledge beyond the physical world. But the idea of looking into the stars and exploring the vastness of the universe takes on a more ominous tone when you consider the ancient practices of astrology and the worship of celestial beings. The "host of heaven", as mentioned in the Bible, refers not just to the stars and planets, but also to the spiritual beings associated with them—fallen angels and demonic forces that have been worshipped throughout history.
In the Old Testament, idolatry and the worship of celestial bodies were condemned because they led people away from the one true God (Deuteronomy 4:19). The fascination with the cosmos, when divorced from God’s creation and His purpose, opens the door to spiritual deception. The Vatican's ownership of such an advanced telescope could be seen as a modern extension of this ancient practice of seeking knowledge beyond God’s design—potentially to connect with fallen angels or uncover hidden spiritual truths that lead people away from salvation through Christ.
The Queen of Heaven: A Deceptive Title
The title of "Queen of Heaven" has sparked much controversy, especially in relation to the Vatican's practices. In the Bible, the term "Queen of Heaven" is used in Jeremiah 7:18 and Jeremiah 44:17-19 to describe the worship of pagan goddesses, including Ishtar, Astarte, and Asherah. These were fertility goddesses worshipped in the ancient Near East who were often associated with the stars, the moon, and other heavenly bodies. The people of Judah were condemned for offering sacrifices and burning incense to these false deities, as they were considered to be directly opposed to the worship of the true God, Yahweh.
Historically, Ishtar (also known as Astarte or Asherah) was considered the Queen of Heaven in the ancient world. These deities were often depicted as powerful women who had control over love, fertility, and war, and were worshipped with rituals that involved offerings and incantations. These practices, rooted in the occult, were seen as idolatrous and forbidden by God. The Queen of Heaven in the Bible is not a divine figure to be honored, but a false deity worshipped in idolatry.
So why, then, would the Vatican, which is supposed to uphold Christian doctrine, build altars dedicated to the Queen of Heaven? The title has been associated with Mary, the mother of Jesus, in certain Catholic traditions, but this is a departure from biblical teaching. While the Catholic Church reveres Mary as the Mother of God, the title of "Queen of Heaven" as used in the Bible was never meant to refer to her. Instead, it referred to pagan goddesses worshipped by the ancient world, and the elevation of Mary to this title is a controversial theological move.
Some theologians and critics argue that the Vatican’s association with the Queen of Heaven points to the syncretism (the blending of different religious beliefs) that has occurred within Catholicism. By adopting and adapting elements of pagan worship, the Vatican may be unknowingly or knowingly participating in occult practices that trace their roots back to the fallen angels and demonic forces described in Scripture.
The Host of Heaven: Fallen Angels and the Occult
When the Bible speaks of the host of heaven, it refers to both the celestial bodies and the spiritual beings associated with them. In Revelation 12:4, we are told that Satan and his followers were cast out of heaven, becoming the fallen angels who now influence human affairs. These fallen angels are thought to work behind the scenes, manipulating human behavior and leading people into spiritual deception.
The worship of the host of heaven and the Queen of Heaven is part of a broader occult tradition that has been passed down through the ages. The fallen angels and their offspring, the Nephilim, were once known to have corrupted humanity before the flood (Genesis 6:4). After the flood, their spirits were believed to roam the Earth as familiar spirits—demonic entities that interact with humans through occult practices like necromancy, divination, and witchcraft. These familiar spirits, according to the Book of Enoch, are closely associated with the Nephilim, who are seen as evil spirits or demons that continue to haunt the Earth and lead humanity into sin.
In this context, the Vatican’s telescope and its altars dedicated to the Queen of Heaven may represent a modern-day continuation of these ancient occult practices. By embracing elements of the occult and pagan worship, the Vatican might be inadvertently—or perhaps intentionally—allowing these demonic influences to infiltrate Christianity. The alignment with celestial bodies and the worship of fallen angels reflects a deeper spiritual struggle that humanity faces: the battle between worshipping the one true God or falling into the trap of spiritual deception.
Control, Bewitchment, and Occult Power
The worship of celestial beings and the Queen of Heaven is not merely about offering sacrifices; it’s also about control over human destinies, emotions, and even physical realities. Ancient occult practices, such as astrology, ritual magic, and necromancy, were designed to manipulate the world around individuals and even control others. Familiar spirits were consulted in an attempt to gain knowledge, power, or influence, and these spirits often led people away from God’s truth and into spiritual slavery.
This desire for control is a key element in spiritual warfare. In the modern world, occult practices continue to flourish in the form of New Age movements, astrology, and witchcraft, which promise to give people control over their lives and futures through mystical forces. The spiritual manipulation that began in ancient times, with the worship of the host of heaven and the Queen of Heaven, is still at work today, drawing people away from the true power of God and placing them under the influence of demonic spirits and false teachings.
The cost? Our souls!
The Vatican’s involvement in these practices, whether knowingly or unknowingly, becomes part of a much larger spiritual battle. By aligning itself with symbols, teachings, and rituals that have deep roots in paganism and the occult, the Vatican may be unknowingly contributing to the spiritual deception that continues to mislead millions of people around the world.
The Modern Connection: Spiritual Deception and Occult Practices Today
In contemporary society, the blending of spirituality and occultism has become increasingly normalized. Practices such as astrology, divination, tarot reading, and even contacting the dead are widespread, all of which are rooted in ancient occult traditions tied to the worship of celestial beings and the invocation of familiar spirits. The Vatican’s engagement with a telescope focused on celestial bodies and the worship of the Queen of Heaven echoes this desire for power and control over the spiritual realm, which, at its core, is a rebellion against God.
Why the Vatican’s Telescope and Altars Matter
The connection between the Vatican, the Large Binocular Telescope, and the Queen of Heaven is significant not just for its historical and theological implications but for its spiritual ramifications. The Church’s attempt to harness cosmic power or look beyond the physical world in search of hidden knowledge can be seen as an extension of the ancient practices of idolatry and occultism. The Queen of Heaven, as depicted in ancient times, represents a false spiritual force, a manipulation of divine truth, leading humanity further into spiritual darkness.
If we consider the biblical context, these practices are considered spiritual rebellion. The worship of celestial beings and the invocation of spirits are not just harmless rituals—they are gateways through which demonic forces gain influence. The Bible is clear in its warnings against these practices, as they open doors to deception, demonic control, and ultimately, spiritual destruction. The Vatican, as a major religious institution, plays a pivotal role in guiding millions of souls. If its actions align with occult practices—whether intentionally or unintentionally—it represents a dire warning that even those who claim to represent God must be vigilant against the pull of spiritual deception.
In my view, we are being controlled in ways we don't fully understand. The only true way to break free from this control is through repentance, following Christ, and being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Conclusion: The Battle Between Truth and Deception
The Vatican’s telescope and its altars dedicated to the Queen of Heaven highlight the dangerous blending of faith and occultism that can deceive even the most established institutions. The worship of celestial bodies and demonic figures under the guise of Christian devotion can mislead countless souls, turning them away from the true gospel and the salvation found in Christ alone.
At the heart of these practices lies the battle for the soul of humanity. Spiritual forces, both good and evil, are at work in the world today, and the decisions we make—whether consciously or unconsciously—can have eternal consequences. The Queen of Heaven and the fallen angels represent spiritual forces of evil that seek to lead people into deception. As Christians, we are called to reject all forms of idolatry and occultism and to cling to the truth of God’s Word, which alone has the power to save us from the darkness.
Let us be aware of the subtle ways in which these forces operate in our world today and remain vigilant in our faith, constantly seeking the truth of God's Word and resisting the lure of spiritual deception. Only in Jesus Christ do we find true freedom, power, and salvation.
Do you suspect you've been bewitched? How would you recognize the signs?
"the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them" (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Satan in Matthew 4:9 says "All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."
2 Peter 2:3 "And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you"