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Well Crafted Illusion

Writer's picture: Michelle HaymanMichelle Hayman

Updated: Jul 28, 2024

Do you ever find it peculiar how the world seems fixated with the cross?

It's everywhere you look - in Bibles, schools, churches and even hospitals. Even the Catholic church itself is shaped like a cross.

It's intriguing, isn't it?

This symbol that predominantly represents a supposed murder weapon.

Can you imagine the scene? The weight of the wooden cross, the sound of bloody footsteps echoing as the messiah was led to his execution.

And yet, despite all this, we don't worship the spear that pierced his side, or Judas, the betrayer. Why?

The answer to this puzzle is truly astonishing.

In the Hebrew Roots Bible, the original cross is not depicted as a traditional cross shape but rather as a form of torture stick or tree. This understanding is based on the belief that the Greek word "stauros," (σταυρός) which is often translated as "cross," actually refers to an upright stake or pole used for execution. Supporters of this interpretation argue that the killing method employed by the Romans during the time of Jesus involved affixing the condemned person to a vertical wooden pole, rather than a crossbeam. They believe that the use of a single upright stake aligns more closely with the biblical descriptions of Jesus' execution.

I pondered the origins of these imagined flawlessly cut beams, wondering where they could have possibly obtained them. The idea of them casually strolling into the nearby DIY store seemed implausible. Surely, trees must have been utilized, but that didn't account for the obsession with the mysterious cross.

His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. Deuteronomy 21:23 (KJB)

Constantine the Great's role in promoting the cross as a Christian symbol cannot be underestimated. It was under his rule that Christianity was officially recognized and became the dominant religion in the Roman Empire.

In AD 312, Constantine had a vision of a cross in the sky before a decisive battle, which he interpreted as a sign from God.

Little did he know that he was under the manipulation of the sky god.

We know him today as Satan.

He ordered his soldiers to paint crosses on their shields and went on to win the battle.

This victory solidified his belief in the power of the cross and led to his conversion to Christianity.

From then on, Constantine actively promoted the use of the cross as a pagan symbol of Christian faith, incorporating it into artwork, architecture, and religious ceremonies.

This widespread adoption of the cross by the Roman Empire helped solidify its significance and establish it as a central symbol in Christianity.

In ancient Roman and Greek cultures, fertility rites played a significant role in religious practices. Symbols resembling the cross were utilized to represent the phallus, a symbol of male fertility.

These rites were often associated with deities like Dionysus and Bacchus, who were revered as gods of fertility and the cycles of nature.

The celebrations connected to these fertility rites focused on honoring and invoking fertility, ensuring the abundance of crops, and the continuation of life.

The use of cross-like symbols in these rituals further demonstrates the connection between ancient pagan traditions and the celebration of fertility in Roman and Greek cultures.

Witches are believed to harness the power of the very forces of nature to perform their magic.

They possess an innate ability to tap into these forces and manipulate them to create their desired effects. The forces of nature that witches bend to do their magic encompass various elements such as earth, air, fire, and water.

They draw upon the energy of the earth, connecting with its grounding and nurturing properties. The air becomes their conduit, enabling them to channel their intentions and communicate with unseen realms.

Fire ignites their power, representing transformation and passion in their spells.

Water symbolizes emotions and intuition, aiding witches in divination and healing practices. By understanding and harmonizing with these elemental forces, witches can bend them to their will, casting spells, invoking spirits, and performing rituals to manifest their intentions.

Remember: The prince of the power of the air, that Yeshua refers to as Satan.

The mystic Tau, often referred to in mysticism and esoteric traditions, particularly in Christian mysticism and alchemy, is symbolically associated with the Tau cross.

This cross resembles the shape of the letter "T".

The Tau cross represented the Roman god Mithras, previously known as the Sumerian god Tammuz, the consort of the "Queen of Heaven" herself Ishtar/Inannna.

The symbol was used in pagan rituals, including baptism ceremonies, where it was marked on the foreheads of initiates by pagan priests.

The cross has nothing to do with Christ but esotericism, and in my opinion is the mark of the beast.

The layout of Catholic churches is often in the shape of a cross, which can be observed as a cruciform plan when viewed from above. The design of the cross-shaped structure includes a central nave where congregants sit, transepts that form the arms of the cross on the sides, and a sanctuary or apse located at the head of the cross.

Pagans were allowed to retain their symbols in the church, such as the Tau or T in its most frequent form, as a way to ease the transition from pagan beliefs to Christianity.

I wonder why, if they are pretending to be our saviors and promising to free us from the curse we are under, they choose to design all their official buildings and badges in such esoteric styles in the form of a cross or five sided polygon.

St. Peter’s Basilica, located in Vatican City, is renowned for its architectural design which takes the shape of a Latin cross. Similarly, the Pentagon, the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, is precisely structured as a five-sided polygon with straight sides

In certain spiritual or symbolic contexts, the five elements of nature can be symbolized by a five-pointed star, also known as a pentagram. Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether are the fundamental elements that form the basis of many ancient philosophies and belief systems. The elemental spirits, which I previously mentioned in my posts, are worth noting.

We were bound by the curse of the elementals until Christ appeared and shattered its hold.

Not only are we slaves, but we are slaves to the “elemental spirits,” forces of violence and power who are not God. Christ comes into the world in order to rescue God’s people from slavery and to restore them to their rightful place as children and heirs of God

So also, when we were underage, we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces[a] of the world. But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.[b] Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba,[c] Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.

Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods.

Galatians 4:3-8 (KJB)

Let's take a closer look at the numerous nature and fertility gods that have been worshipped throughout history.

Some examples include Tammuz, Enlil, Amun-Ra, Zeus, Baal, Jupiter, Molock, and Marduk.

Interestingly, all of these gods can be traced back to common nature deities, many associated with the air element.

Revelation 13: Hebrew Roots Bible

And he performs great signs, including that fire should come down from heaven upon the earth before the people. And he deceives my own people, those dwelling on the earth, by the signs that it was given to him to perform before the Beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the Beast who had the sword wound and lived. And it was granted to him to give breath to the image of the Beast, so that the image of the Beast should actually speak, and should cause as many as would not worship the image of the Beast to be killed. And he causes everyone—both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave—to receive marks on their right hand or on their foreheads, so that no one would be able to buy or sell who does not have the mark, the name of the Beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the Beast, for it is the number of man—his number is 666.

O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? Galatians 3:1 (KJB)

It is crucial to understand the significance of continuously modifying the word of God, despite the fact that he explicitly stated that it cannot be altered in any way, whether through additions or omissions. The reason they are making modifications to the bible is not for simplicity, but rather to conceal their deceitful intentions.

The curse that we are currently under can only be broken if we choose to repent and believe in Christ.

By hanging from the tree and spilling his blood, he managed to destroy the curse.

Following religious institutions is futile since they are complicit in perpetuating the grand deception.


It is not surprising to see that Rupert Murdoch’s Bible, the NIV, has become a best seller on Amazon. They are not only both multi millionaires, but Murdoch is the previous owner of the Sun newspaper, which is now owned by News Corp, whose owner is Rupert Murdoch.

Are these pagans profiting from the Holy word, and enslaving us to their elemental spirits for their own gain?

We are being manipulated to the highest degree, break the curse, and take back God's power.


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